These days, it seems that organic is the way to go. But when it comes to our canines, does it really pay to go organic? The answer is yes. Organic dog food contains a better source of nutritional value than even the most premium of non-organic brands. Feeding your four-legged friend organic dog food does more the leave him with a shiny coat. It gives your dog more energy, reduces digestive problems and improves your dog’s quality of life.
If we humans are feeling lethargic and low on energy then we’re not inclined to go on that walk or get to the gym. The same goes for your dog. Just like us, your dog’s energy level dictates how much he’ll exercise. The less active he is the more likely he’ll be overweight, which can lead to a host of problems including, hip dysphasia, diabetes and organ failure. By choosing to feed your dog organic dog food, you’re going to help him gain more energy and thus more exercise.
Organic food is naturally more nutritious than non-organic brands and nutrient-rich ingredients quite simply produce more energy. Organic food also does not contain bulk-fillers, which are inexpensive ingredients such as corn and potatoes that just “fill” your dog up. Some studies even show that dogs that eat organic tend to eat less amounts overall, which along with increased energy and exercise, aids in maintaining your dog’s healthy weight.
Since organic food is not made with chemicals, fillers and artificial substances, it doesn’t wreak havoc on your four-legged friend’s digestive system. Such harmful substances are replaced with healthy oats, whole grains and human-grade proteins such as chicken, turkey and lamb. These ingredients are much easier for your dog to digest and lead to less bloating, less gas and healthier amounts of waste. As an added benefit you’ll find that your dog will show a decrease in skin infections and allergies.
Even if your canine doesn’t seem to be lethargic or show any digestive issues or skin ailments, your his quality of life can be greatly affected by diet. The food you choose to feed your dog will have a direct impact on how he looks, behaves and feels. Organic foods boost the immune system of your dog, which will help him fight off future illness and infection down the road. Infections and illnesses are not only expensive to treat, but are also quite painful and annoying for your dog, thus diminishing his quality of life. Buying organic dog food essentially means that you’re being ensuring your dog a healthier future.
Today more and more Veterinarians are recommending dog owners buy organic––even above premium, non-organic brands. That’s because their benefits are plentiful. Dogs that eat organic food tend to eat less overall and absorb more of the nutrients they really need. The result is an increase in energy and maintenance of a healthy weight, a healthy digestive system with less waste and, with a boost to the immune system, an increase in quality of life. If going organic is good enough for us, it’s good enough for our best friends.
By: Jessie Mayfield
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