The Russian Turtle (Tortoise) - Is This the Pet Turtle For You?

Do you have a passion for turtles but don't know which type of turtle to buy as a pet? Why not take some time to do a little online research, or ask people who can offer professional opinions regarding the most common turtle species kept as pets. This will give you an overview as to their lifestyle patterns and behavior traits. Most of all, you will not risk losing the life of your beloved pets because you bought them without first acquiring the knowledge required to properly care for them.

The Russian Turtle is one of the most common and well-loved turtle species kept as pets. This type of turtle is quite small compared to others, with its adult females reaching only eight to ten inches in the length of their shells, and the adult male growing from six to eight inches in length. Their carapace is marked with various colors of tan, olive, and yellowish green, and their plastron is covered with brown and black blotches. The rear scutes, on either side of the tail, are enlarged and may even be slightly serrated, more often in males than females.

The lifespan of this turtle species may reach up to 100 years, especially when properly cared for. Most other turtles do not live this long, whether in the wild or in captivity. The vast majority of these turtles are caught in the wild. It is therefore extremely important to bring them to the veterinarian immediately after purchase, so that they may be thoroughly checked for any parasites and diseases that they may be carrying, and which are invisible to the naked eye.

This type of turtle is also commonly called the Central Asian Tortoise, Four Toed Tortoise, Horsefield's Tortoise, or Afghan Tortoise. Russian turtles are amenable to dry habitats, however they are not suitable to be kept indoors. When preparing their outdoor housing, make sure that you mimic the surroundings they would have in the wild. They are native to Russia, North Western China, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Azerbaijan. This species loves to burrow, so you must provide them with a deeper substrate in their enclosure. Furthermore, fill their outdoor tank with abundant hay or grass, and provide a newspaper underneath for easy cleaning and maintenance. You must also provide one shallow water dish. This is not only necessary for your turtles to drink and hydrate themselves, but for bathing and soaking purposes as well. Their dormancy period is during the winter season, and they must be well nourished prior to their hibernation.

The ideal temperature for their habitat should be between 70°F to 80°F during the daytime, and 65°F to 75°F at night. The temperature for their basking area should ideally be kept around 85°F. When feeding your Russian Turtle, provide clover and grasses regularly. Give them fruits in moderation, so as to avoid digestion problems. Their diet must be largely composed of calcium and fiber, with low protein levels.

This is a beautiful and well-loved species, requiring proper care and attention, like any other living creature. However turtle keepers, especially beginners, should not only provide proper care for their turtles, but must ensure their own safety as well. Tortoises and turtles are carriers of salmonella, therefore it is highly recommended that you thoroughly wash your hands after touching or handling them. Most importantly, for your children's safety, never allow them to come too close to or make contact with your Russian turtle, or any other species of turtle you may be keeping as a pet.

Karma Williams is a pet turtle care enthusiast who has raised turtles for over 23 years, and enjoys helping others get started in this amazing hobby. You can discover more about turtles by visiting the turtle age and turtle hibernation pages of her website. Her newest eBook entitled "The Ultimate Guide to Pet Turtle Care" teaches turtle lovers everything they need to know about acquiring, caring for, and feeding pet turtles so that they stay healthy, contented, and will thrive for years and years to come!

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