Cultivate swallow IN NEW BUILDING

a. Preparation of swiftlet house

    1). Site selection

    Building site selection strongly supports the success of swiftlet building operation swallow. In these locations, must be considered environmental factors are suitable for swiftlet bird life. These environmental factors should be based on the nature and the factors that are naturally favored by the bird or birds swallow Swallow, as follows:

  • Lowlands with a maximum altitude of 1000 m above sea level. In general, do not want to swallow a house or building occupied an altitude of 1,000 m above sea level.

  • Areas far from the reach of influence of technological progress and development of society. In other words the area is relatively pure and natural as the best residential swallow.

  • Rice fields, grasslands, open forests, beaches, lakes, rivers, marshes are the most appropriate area to hunt food for the swallow.

  • An area that was safe for life and Swallow swallow, which is a remote area of disturbance wild birds eating meat. This wild bird species including eagles, birds alap-alap, eagle.

  • A location that many birds around Swallow. This indicates that the area suitable for developing swiftlet nests producing useful.

  • 2). House swallow

    In planning your building or home making swallow, to note the things as follows:

  • The shape and construction of houses

    Generally, swiftlet house like a big building that the width varies from 10 x 15 m2 - 10 x 20 m2. Elevation walls of the house practically equal to swallow Swallow house, which is about 5-6 m. High walls are not included wuwungan. High wuwungan greatly affect the low temperature and humidity conditions swallow building.

    Wuwungannya higher, the better for swiftlet house and is preferred by birds swallow. The greater the distance between the ridge of the ceiling means the cavity between the ridge with the ceiling increased. Given the large distance, the volume of air in the room is also bigger, so hot air does not completely offensive ceiling.
    The house may not be as high as that covered by tall trees around it because it would just swallow the hole into the entrance of the house free of trees. If the house is covered by trees around the house should be built higher.

    Walls made of plaster, while the outer part of the cement mixture. The inside walls should be made from a mixture of sand, lime, and cement in the ratio 3:2:1. The composition is similar to the composition of the swiftlet caves and very good nature to control the temperature and humidity in the room swallow the building. To reduce the smell of cement can be sprayed with water every day. The wall more frequently doused with water, the faster the smell of cement missing. Roof frame and insulation, insulation to attach swallow's nests should be made of strong wood and old enough to be able to survive in the long run, is not easy to eat and not have to RENGAT quickly replaced. Replacement is too often can disturb the peace swallow.

  • The shape of the room and the entrance swallow

  • The room can be made based on the story height, minimum of 2 m. Each level of criss-crossed back into the room so that will create an atmosphere like in the caves of natural rock.

    Often swallow bird circling in front of the cave, before entering into the nest. Therefore, the building is equipped with a swallow needs rovings room as a place to spin and resting room as a place to rest and nest. To prevent the entry of too much light, resting room sectional is made. Between one patch with another patch interconnected.

    Hole to be made out of birds at the top, calculated that the birds can freely in and out without disturbance of trees around the buildings. The size and shape of holes can vary. If a square, ideally measuring 20 x 20 cm2, when mamanjang size 20 x 35 cm2, and if the shape of a circle 20 cm in diameters.

    Hole out of the numbers of birds depending on the needs and condition of the building. Clearly, the fewer the number of holes the better. Enough room for a one-hole course. Too many holes that can affect the temperature, humidity, and light in the building that will result in krasannya not swallow live in the building.
    Location of the hole should not be facing east, because in the morning when going out swallow, his eyes dazzled in the sun in the morning. Walls should be painted black holes to be easily seen by birds from a distance and will help to quickly swallow know his house. In addition, painting with black color can also reduce the light entering from outside the building so the room becomes darker.

  • Paint the house and lighting

  • Paint used for swiftlet house of lime should be smooth and flat enough to not easily damaged. Inner wall layers do not need painted to match the natural cave conditions and can reduce the light.

    To reduce the refraction of light from outside the building, in the hole and out of antidote was given a funnel-shaped beam of black cloth. In this way, the incoming light can be focused in one direction so that the situation in the building will be dark.

  • Wall around the building as a safety from interference

  • To maintain security swallow and production of pest and theft, then around the building needs to dipagar wall swallow. Will be more perfect, if the outside walls are made trenches filled with water is always flowing.

b. Preparation of the parent and the egg

    1). Preparation of the parent

    To cultivate Gedongan swallow, swallow selected as the parent birds who endeavored to Swallow to nest in the new building. The new building will serve as the building when it began to swallow a bird occupied Swallow. Because the birds will occupy Sriti new building, whereas swallow normally would occupy the building that has a lot of bird droppings Swallow. This is due to the new building still smelled of cement. To speed up the entry process swallow, usually building new walls are often covered with bird droppings Swallow and the wood covered with bird's nest dishwater.

    2). Preparation of eggs

    In the cultivation swallow, swallow eggs need to be prepared for a bird's nest hatched on Swallow. Eggs can be obtained from building owners who are doing swallow "the egg harvest waste in a way this egg preparation, keep in mind the characteristics of swallow eggs to avoid the mistake of Swallow bird eggs because they almost the same. Generally, egg white swallow bluish, while the egg white Swallow speckled dark brown. In this case, need to choose a normal-sized eggs, not too big or small the average size of egg swallow. In addition, select a good egg, not cracked, rough, not contaminated dirt, water, or oil. Generally, waste contaminated eggs will not hatch. Therefore, the decision of the goal needs to be done with caution.

    To check the quality of the eggs, can be done by observation. Binoculars are made from egg cartons and then directed to the light, it will show the inside of the egg. In this observation, which needs attention is the condition and location of air bags, state and location of egg yolk, and the presence or absence of blood spots. Good hatching egg has an air bag is relatively small, stable, and does not shift from its place. Location of egg yolk must be in the middle and not moving, not found in blood spots. Eggs that have blood spots, power tetasnya only 56.3%. After selection and obtained a good hatching eggs, the next step is to incubate the eggs in the nest tesebut Swallow.

c. How to hatch eggs

    Between Swallow swallow and had many similarities, both about the food, ecosystems, biological and habitat development. With these equations, it is possible if the eggs hatched in a nest swiftlet Swallow, then nurtured and raised by birds Sriti until such time as the child can swallow their own foraging and grow into an adult swallow.

    To hatch the eggs in the nest swiftlet Sriti first thing to do is replace the eggs with egg Swallow swallow. This can be done when the season arrives Swallow bird eggs. Egg retrieval must be done carefully, do not use the hand directly, but with a plastic spoon or tissue paper. This is to avoid damage and contamination of eggs that can cause the bird would not mengeraminya Swallow. Endeavored to transport any way not many shocks and collisions. Egg replacement done in the daytime, when birds Sriti out of the building to search for food. Furthermore, swiftlet eggs will be incubated by the birds Sriti and after hatching would fosterage to swallow can fly and feed themselves.


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